Sell a property – advice to the seller

Often the owner who decides to sell his property does not prepare it for the purpose. Worse, I do not accept any advice from experts on these issues. And the result becomes unfavorable, and sometimes catastrophic – stretching with months and years of sale, loss of time and money.

Put yourself in the Buyer’s Place and stand first at the door of the apartment. Will not the dirty and ugly door repel you early? And how little it takes – a wash or refresh with paint.

Clean out everywhere: in the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, throw away all unnecessary items abandoned on the terrace, blot out some stain that gets in the eye. Release the rooms from unnecessary items. Let there be space and air. The rooms “breathe”. Replace the burnt bulb so that it is not dark and strenuous, but light and cozy. Repair the broken faucet, rub the rusty stains on the sink and the toilet.

Ventilate the rooms. Every smell disappears. The air is fresh. Pull the curtains, and if time allows, open the windows wide. The sun to invade your home and everyone to see how warm and pleasant it is. If it’s evening, do not save electricity. Let it be light everywhere. The colors stand out, the home becomes more cozy and hospitable. This affects the subconscious and the Buyer’s positive decision comes by itself.

If you have a yard, it is a good idea to clean up bursting weeds and shrubs, remove any unnecessary objects ejected or swept by the winds, and so on.

When viewing is done, try not to have the whole family in the dwelling. For many people, the buyer feels hindered and prefers to leave quickly.

It is good to show the property to start from the most inconvenient room and finish in the most beautiful room. This has a tremendous psychological effect.

When the Buyer wishes to talk on the terms of the deal, trust your broker’s experience. Let him explain these questions. Especially when commenting on the price. These conversations are delicate and sometimes a poorly selected word or a little misunderstanding can frustrate the deal.

You know best the benefits of your property from anybody else and you can praise it for a long time. If your broker fails to highlight some of them, carefully, without intrusion, mention them.

You are required to be polite, hospitable, smiling, attentive, respectful, patient, and not apologizing for anything. Do not try to make a conversation. If the potential Buyer wants to talk to you, he will do it himself. Do not talk unnecessary tales, do not distract the customer. He has come to examine the dwelling as well as possible. Do not offer him your old furniture for sale. If the buyer at one point starts criticizing the dwelling, let your broker handle the situation.

It is very important that you organize your time to show the property that no Buyer will give up when he wishes a view.

Carefully consider what price to ask. Ask specialists. The price should be real, according to the offered property (condition, location, etc.) and with the real estate market at that time. If you offer a high price, “because that much money you need”, the offer will stand. Buyers who watch the market will find that there is a hidden reason for this. And in any case, in the long run, you will lower the price and you will actually lose.

Ask a specialist to view all the documents for the property so that the Buyer does not find “some unclean things” or something to document at the last minute. In such cases, the Buyer withdraws prematurely.

The British site sums up the six most common mistakes the seller may admit when offering his property on the market:

Put your property for sale before it’s ready for it. For example, organize views while painting walls or changing broken flooring. In this situation, you will surely try to lower the price.
To highlight the advantages of his house before the neighbor. Better to emphasize the good living environment and what understanding is living with the neighbors.
Determine the price based on what it wants to get, not at actual market prices.
Trust an inexperienced intermediary who has no relevant knowledge and experience of selling properties.
To be emotional to the property he sells. From the moment he goes on the market, he is not home, not “my property,” but a good for sale.
Throw to buy a new home before selling the old one.
All the texts are from the 100 issue “100 questions for real estate”, supplemented by the book “200 questions, 200 real estate replies”. Prof. Maria Gajova, Ph.D. Editor: Vasil Stoyanov; Consultants: Daniela Krasteva notary, Eng. Tsvetka Bostandjieva, Liliana Hristova; Publishing house – Plovdiv